Simco Management is excited to introduce Condo Control Central
Stay in touch with what is happening in your condo complex manage your account, pay your fees and access the resources you need for easy condo living all at your fingertips through your computer, tablet or smart phone (free mobile app).
Condo Control Central allows you to:
- View Important Announcements so you are never out of touch of what is happening in your complex.
- Open a Service Request, Applications for Pets or Renovations.
- Access Condo Files and Forms at no additional charges.
- Book and Pay for an Amenity.
- Pay you Condo Fees, Special Assessments, Monetary Sanctions or Chargebacks on line.
- Order and pay for Keys, Fobs, Remotes etc.
- Manage Your Account.
- Task tracking for Board members to help keep your meetings organized and efficient.
- And much more!
Contact Simco Management for more information!